It appears I was a little quick to talk about how easy it was to install this on a Windows server. 3 hours later!
WordPress was really written to take advantage of all the benefits of Apache. It uses a feature of Apache called mod_rewrite to make urls like this “” look like this “”. This is incredibly helpful with the search engines as they often don’t read URLs that have ?’s in them.
While you can use WordPress without this feature enabled, I feel it is extremely important. I was on the verge of uninstalling it when I finally found this article that solved my problems.
The problem was that Windows web server, IIS, doesn’t have an equivalent feature to mod_rewrite. In short, the solution suggested installing an add on to IIS called ISAPI_Rewrite . You can download the lite (freeware) version of it from here.
Rather than quote everything that I did, this article explains it very well.
cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1
cgi.force_redirect = 0
in a php.ini does the trick
i fyou’re on a shared server. I got it on the web but I already closed his page but had this one open still so thought I’d share.